Drive growth for your protocol by
improving experience

dApp Analytics

The Benefits

Transform your business growth with comprehensive user analytics and real time insights
Increase Conversion Value
Understand which product features generate the highest revenue for your dApp
User Segmentation
With Tokenguard you can identify most valuable user segments
Smart Contract Analytics
Track and visualise data coming from multiple EVM or WASM smart contracts in minutes

Revolutionize Your Product

Revolutionize your produt with these four
essential strategies
Start Analyzing
Forget about learning SQL
Use a drag-and-drop editor to build dashboard, and extract the data you need without waiting for developers or analysts
Reward the most active users
By understanding your users and their behavior, you can tailor your marketing strategies to their needs
Improve your marketing funnel
Optimize your sales funnel, improve your customer experience, and engage with your users in a meaningful way
Engage with the right user segments
By tracking and analyzing user behavior, you can identify key segments of your user base

Built For Different dApps

Whether your an L1 owner, or dApp creator,
we’ve got you covered
Display your dApp data to your users on your website
Set up monitoring and alerting to keep your dApp safe
Collect off and on-chain data regarding your dApp
Grow the number of NFTs minted
Understand which features are most interesting for your users
Compare your marketplace to the rest of the market
Track the behavior of your whale token owners
Analyze which marketing and product campaigns are most successful
Understand which features need improvement

Unlock the full potential of your protocol with
Tokenguard On-Chain User Behavior Analytics

Try it for yourself and see the difference it can make.
Sign up for a free trial today.